Monday, June 12, 2023

Trop "Habanaro" b1

 Fermented Ingredients (4 months):
• Yellow onion-  77g
• Garlic- 55g
• Red Reaper- 20g
• Yellow Reaper- 90g

Fresh Ingredients:
• Carrots- 82g
• Red Bell Peppers- 130g
• Yellow Onion- 120g
• Mango- 180g

Blend with:
• Pineapple Juice- 6oz
• Brine- 190g
• White Vinegar- 1cup
• ACV- .25 cups
• Water- .25cups
• Salt- 1tsp
• Xanthan Gum- 1/8 tsp

Trying to replicate this recipe from last xmas. The short end of this is- I confused my yellow reapers with my habaneros and ended up with napalm instead of something mild. Everything fresh was sauteed in olive oil. The onions started to take on a char a lot quicker than the bell pepper and carrots, so in the future start the carrots, add bell pepper, then onion, and finally garlic. I removed everything and after that tried to caramelize the mango a bit. Boiled after the blend for 10 minutes skimming gunk off the top and then added back into the vitamix with the xanthan gum.  pH of 3.6 and yield of about 35oz

Initial thoughts:
• A lot of carrots up front, followed by a lot of sugar, followed by a lot of heat. Surprisingly (not) hot given the pepper bill
• The carrot flavors that I always think are too strong always mellow out and I wonder what I was thinking, so we'll see how that goes
• Same with the ACV, it really is in the aroma and I'm not a fan at the moment
• A lot of parallels obviously with 'smokey habanero' but I feel like this won't have as much depth
• So far doesn't hold a candle to what I remember the og being
• Maybe add some red fresnos or something to add some color. It's baby food orange/ yellow and a bit off putting

A week later:
• The sauce has leveled out a little bit and a lot of the upfront notes I thought were too strong are just fine now, which makes me wonder if I should worry when something tastes where I want it out of the gate?
• I'm still not a fan of the color, another option to lighten the color might be yellow bells instead of red or orange
• Label the fucking jars !
• It's still way too sweet. The initial recipe had a fraction of the mangoes, so sizing that ratio up along with how concentrated the pineapple juice was a bit overkill and upsets the balance
• The acv also plays in with that, so next time I have a fruit bill like this omit it


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Moruga Mango

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