Friday, April 26, 2024

Dill Pickle Jalapeno

Fermented Ingredients (63 days):
• Jalapenos 176g
• Yellow Onions 96g
• Garlic 27g
• Brine 3/4 Cups

Fresh Ingredients
• Yellow Onions 128g
• Green Bell Peppers 85g
• Garlic 36g
• Pickle Spears 151g
• Pickle Brine 1 Cups
• Dill (in the brine) 2 tbs
• White Vinegar 1 Cups
• Salt 1/2 tsp
• Xanthan Gum 1/4 tsp

Saute the fresh onion and the bell peppers in olive oil. Once that chars and loses color add the garlic cloves and cook until that browns. Add everything except the xanthan into the blender and blend on high for five minutes. Simmer on low for twenty minutes afterwards skimming solids off the top. Let cool and reblend on low with the xanthan gum for sixty seconds. Bottle, refrigerate

• Pickles were from Grillos Pickles
• The brine had a few more things in it than just the dill but it was pretty negligable and common in pretty much all brines, so I didn't add it
• I did however fish out a bunch of the dill from the brine I didn't use
• Idea I've been sitting on for a minute
• Worked out pretty well actually. Good zing from the fermented ingredients that works with the dill
• Not very spicy, I got a tiny bit of heat on a fresh palate after just waking up. Otherwise it's really smooth
• Viscosity is a bit watery but that makes sense considering pickles are mostly water
• In the future, maybe add some mustard seeds and some more xanthan gum
• Good sauce but I'm wondering what to put it on. Would go really well with barbeque
• Fun to make a new green sauce

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Peach Habanero

Fermented Ingredients (192 days) • Habaneros 81g • Yellow Onions 142g • Garlic 34g • Brine 3/4 Cups Fresh Ingredients: • Sweet Onions 216g •...