Saturday, September 14, 2024

Moruga Mango

Fermented Ingredients (85 days):
• Red Moruga Scorpions 132g
• Yellow Onions 125g
• Garlic 38g
• Brine 1 Cups

Fresh Ingredients:
• Yellow Onions 245g
• Orange Bell Peppers 153g
• Garlic 61g
• Mangoes 245g
• Limes 1 Juiced
• Brown Sugar 3/8 Cups
• Salt 1 tsp
• White Vinegar 1 Cups
• Apple Cider Vinegar 1/2 Cups
• Water 1 Cups
• Xanthan Gum 1/8 tsp 

Saute the fresh onions and bell peppers in olive oil until they start to char and lose color. Then add the fresh garlic and cook until that browns also. Add all ingredients except the xanthan gum into the blender and blend on high for five minutes. Simmer for twenty minutes, skimming solids off the top. Let cool and reblend with the xanthan gum on low for sixty seconds. Bottle, refrigerate.

• Quickish turn around on the ferment. I was on the fence using a jar of chocolate skunk peppers but wanted something with some heat since this was a commission
• Fermented in a 24oz old pasta sauce jar, higher ratios 
• Fun name and idea
• Was very thick post blend so I added the water as an after thought post simmer. It wasn't a bad idea but the consistency is a bit runny
• Fruit comes through without being too sweet
• Sugar addition was a good move, I was worried about bitterness from the ferment but that's not an issue. Almost too sweet immediately after making it but it's evened out a bit 
• Floral and a bit sharp
• Medium heat on my personal index. Scorpions aren't quite on par with reapers
• Dark color which I don't really understand. Maybe a yellow bell would lighten it up a bit 
• More or less what I envisioned. It's good but there's something I can't put my finger on that holds it back a little. Maybe pepper selection, this is one of my first scorpion heavy sauces so it might be a profile thing. That said, I'm still pretty proud of it which is good since it's for sale at my friends taco truck
• Not sure what I'd do different next time. Maybe a bit more garlic and onion to make it a bit more savory, or less mango 

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Moruga Mango

Fermented Ingredients (85 days): • Red Moruga Scorpions 132g • Yellow Onions 125g • Garlic 38g • Brine 1 Cups Fresh Ingredients: • Yellow On...