Sunday, July 2, 2023

Maui Zaui

Fermented Ingredients (28 days):
• Habaneros 130g
• Yellow Onions 130g
• Carrots 75g
• Garlic 70g
• Brine 200g

Fresh Ingredients:
• Yellow Onions 204g
• Red Bell pepper 150g
• Garlic 20g
• Morita peppers (hydrated) 33g
• Pineapple 210g

• Water 1 Cup
• White Vinegar 1 Cup
• Apple Cider Vinegar .25 Cups
• Salt 1 tsp
• Xanthan 1/8 tsp

Saute everything, onions, bell peppers, garlic, and then morita. Caramelize the pineapple after. Add the left over oil to the blend. After the blend everything was simmered to a light boil for 20 minutes with all the concentrated gunk skimmed off the top (and then devoured on tacos.) Thrown back into the vitamix with the xanthan and bottled

A few things to say about this. It's an update of the 5/20 'smokey habanero' recipe with a few changes that I think really elevate everything. Quick ferment but the jar had completely settled. The biggest change from before was to use more morita peppers, and while these weren't fermented I doubled two pods to four. I more than doubled the fermented onions (unintentional) and cut the habs back 40g (also unintentional.) I was on the fence about adding ghost peppers but wanted to keep the sauce a bit more mellow so I decided against it. I miss the punch but can appreciate how gentle the habaneros finish. There was less brine on this blend so I made a fresh blend on the fly throwing a tsp of salt into a cup of water

Initial thoughts:
• The sauce came out a little too thick causing me to add more water. Proportions were similar so I'm curious why it was so soupy
• I think it has more of the smoke I'm looking for? Time will tell here
• Flavors have really developed in just 24h. Curious where it will be in a week
• Reminds me a lot of the round table pizza Maui Zaui. Onion, garlic, pineapple. all day
• Hawaiian pizza in a bottle
• The kick will appeal to civilians but this could cut so harder 

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Moruga Mango

Fermented Ingredients (85 days): • Red Moruga Scorpions 132g • Yellow Onions 125g • Garlic 38g • Brine 1 Cups Fresh Ingredients: • Yellow On...