Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Pepper Party Anniversary

Fermented Ingredients (156 days):
• Red Primotalii 6g
• White Ghosts 15g
• Red Ghost 14g
• 7 Pot Bubblegum 13g
• 7 Pot Brainstrain 19g
• Skunk Red 15g
• Chocolate Skunk 15g
• MA Pale Rider 23g
• Morgua Red Scorpion 18g
• Red Scorpion 9g
• RB003 12g
• Carolina Reaper 12g
• Red Gator 13g
• Yellow Scotch Bonnet 25g
• Yellow Fatalii 7g
• Habaneros 9g
• Garlic 43g
• Yellow Onions 151g
• Brine 1/2 cups

Fresh Ingredients:
• Sweet Onions 358g
• Garlic 59g
• Red Bell Peppers 135g
• Limes 1 Juiced
• Honey 2 tbs
• White Vinegar 1 Cups
• Apple Cider Vinegar 1/4 Cups
• Salt 1 tsp
• Xanthan Gum 1/8 tsp

Saute the fresh onion and bell pepper until they start to lose color and char, then add the garlic and cook until that browns. Add everything to the blender except the xanthan gum and blend on high for five minutes. Remove and simmer on low for twenty minutes, cool, then reblend on low with the xanthan. Bottle, refrigerate. 3.4 pH, yields about 40oz

• Pretty spicy! I was curious about where the heat would be with so many different Scu, in the upper tier absolutely 
• I had to guestimate the fresh garlic because I didn't write it down for whatever reason. I think 59g is correct but it was an entire head of garlic
• Same with the brine, I thought I got most of it out but a ton came out with the peppers so I added another 1/4 cup to the recipe
• Perfectly seasoned
• Great consistency, thick but fluid 
• Good color, I wanted something deeper so I went with the red bell pepper
• I like where the acid's at, I was on the fence about the lime and acv but it all worked out fine
• Good sweetness from the onion and honey. I decided against brown sugar and what I did instead balances everything out nicely
• I used a 24oz jar instead of a 16oz mason to ferment this
• I thought about adding a fruit co-star but this sauce is really about the peppers
• Just a little bit bitter on the end but I think that will smooth out in the next week or two
• Fun idea and happy birthday to my blog! 50 recipes in 52 weeks, some being themes and variations of each other, all the others original recipes. To celebrate, I took two of each pepper I have stashed in my freezer and fermented them for five months and came up with this. Thanks to everyone who's been visiting the blog, it's been a fun passion project and I'm glad I can contribute to the spicy community and genuinely think it's awesome people are making and enjoying recipes I came up with. Looking forward to continuing to make new sauces and salsas and sharing them with everyone. Stay spicy ya'll 😎

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Peach Habanero

Fermented Ingredients (192 days) • Habaneros 81g • Yellow Onions 142g • Garlic 34g • Brine 3/4 Cups Fresh Ingredients: • Sweet Onions 216g •...